Its official. Daily Kos has a thread on FATCA started by poster “War on Error.” I have always hated Daily Kos so I am quite thrilled I can now go after them on FATCA. I think “War on Error” seems pretty set in his pro-FATCA ways so my suggestion is to give “War on Error” a John Baird/Peter Van Loan tire iron sandwich. Others I suspect Just Me for example will be advocating more of a “compromise” position. In general even if “War on Error” doesn’t generate a lot of hits the more we comment the higher it will climb on the Daily Kos most commented posts section.
sidebar: this is on now
wanna hear something different than the Repocrats? There are 11 candidates on the Florida ballot—we were only allowed to see 2 because the tv debates were an exclusive contract contracted by the 2 parties. Here is your chance to get past the Demublican mafia. The debate starts 9pm tonight Eastern time–the top candidates were invited, but the top two declined —–
back to the dailykos
*Tim, I’m getting the impression that Daily Kos fears that if we comment, they might be exposed to the truth! I created an account, but can’t find the new comment feature and I’m an IT guy, so it can’t be me (I think).
“Tire iron sandwich”, lol! I would think the Daily Kos is on Linda McQuaig’s list of favorite reads. The rich must pay!