Well, the primary issue they have is that they don’t live in the United States. This makes them particularly deserving of punishment. And of course, they have no say in the political process. Easy game and low hanging fruit.
Only 11% of U.S. citizens abroad are tax compliant in the U.S. – if you are a U.S. citizen you have issues #FBAR #FATCA calgaryherald.com/business/crack…
— U.S. Citizen Abroad (@USCitizenAbroad) January 30, 2012
I believe that ACA and AARO should put this small ad in a national newspaper:
“Americans Living Abroad
It is estimated that there are around 5 million Americans Living and Working Abroad. They are not Tax Cheaters.
They earn their money from their work in the foreign country and pay Income Taxes to to their country of residence
and to the United States. They also represent the United States abroad. They are not the same as the Americans Living and Working in the USA who are hiding in foreign banks. Yet they are being treated in the same way.To learn more about this, contact ACA at http://www.aca.ch or http://www.aaro.com“
Think I will re-Tweet that one! thnx
If any of you could add to the Calgary Herald article, that would be helpful to the conversation there. It seems to be quite one-sided (my comments). And, of course, Petros has contributed. Thanks.