A well-researched article by Alex Newman today in The New American:
New U.S. Tax Regime is “Devastating,” Experts Say
Mr. Newman quotes from many familiar sources, including Andrew Quinlan, ACA, Rand Paul and James Jatras. He also interviewed Roger Conklin, who again provides excellent historic context by linking today’s FATCA campaign with the Tax Reform Act of 1976. That earlier disastrous initiative forced thousands of US expats to return to the homeland, ceding fragile foreign markets to overseas competitors and ushering-in America’s monumental, decades-long trade deficit, which persists to this day. To say that cause and effect is not well understood in Washington is a major understatement.
A crying shame that such a good article comes from a publication which includes The John Birch Society at the top of its list of Affiliates and Friends. That is where we part ways.