[We now have a NEW POST taking us up to February 1, 2015. This post will be retired from service.]
Dear Donors,
Together, we reached our goal of $100,000 to pay the November 1 legal bill 11 days ahead of schedule!
Thank you Canadian donors from coast to coast and our friends from around the world for your generosity, support and determination — and especially for not being afraid.
The name of our non-profit corporation is the “Alliance for the Defence of Canadian Sovereignty.”
We were very deliberate in including in our name the word “sovereignty”, which forms a cornerstone of our Claims against the Government of Canada.
Canada and dozens of other countries throughout the world gave into a bully because their “leaders” were afraid of harm caused by a trading “partner” — and they gave their sovereignties away.
Help us convince by example the Leaders and Governments of all countries worldwide that they should return their sovereignties back to their Peoples.
Please continue to support our lawsuit.
“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” (Helen Keller)
— Plaintiffs Ginny and Gwen, and the ADCS-ADSC team
Chers donateurs,
Ensemble, nous avons atteint notre but d’amasser 100 000 $ pour payer notre facture légale du 1er novembre 11 jours d’avance !
Un gros merci à vous, donateurs canadiens, et à nos amis de tous les coins du monde pour votre grande générosité, soutien et détermination. Et surtout pour votre courage.
Le nom de notre organisme sans but lucratif est « l’Alliance pour la défense de la souveraineté canadienne ».
Nous avons choisi délibérément le mot « souveraineté » puisqu’il constitue la base fondamentale de nos revendications envers le gouvernement du Canada.
Le Canada et des dizaines d’autres pays se sont pliés devant l’intimidation des États-Unis parce que leurs « leaders » ont eu peur des menaces de notre « partenaire » commercial. Ils ont donc vendu leur souveraineté à rabais.
Aidez-nous à convaincre les dirigeants et les gouvernements de tous ces pays qu’ils se doivent de remettre leur souveraineté à leurs peuples.
S’il vous plaît, continuez à soutenir notre cause.
« Seuls, nous pouvons faire si peu. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire beaucoup. » (Helen Keller)
— Ginny, Gwen et toute l’équipe de l’ADCS-ADSC
DONATE to www.adcs-adsc.ca (ADSC en français).
I think its time to start another thread and quit hijacking this one. This thread is supposed to be about raising the cash to support a very important lawsuit.
Personally I don’t care about the finances of the US government anymore. I don’t have a dog in the fight because I haven’t lived there for many decades and I am no longer a US citizen. My foremost concern is how much it will drag down the rest of the world’s economy when it finally tanks.
I agree with you..
October 8, 2014
‘FATCA ‘Tormenting’ Taxpayers, Olson Says’
by William Hoffman
“……”Again, that comes back to that proportionality issue,” Olson said. “So you’re really looking at this and thinking, why are we doing this to folks? Why are we tormenting them in this way?”
…’…”The same information reporting and matching challenges the IRS faces with tens of millions of individual income tax payers risks either snagging some legitimate taxpayers whose paperwork may not be flawless, or sending out fraudulent refunds to undeserving recipients, Olson said.
…………….. After foreign banks expressed reluctance to open accounts for some U.S. taxpayers overseas, some enterprising businesses began offering insurance to protect against incomplete FATCA disclosures, she said.
“So here we now have created a whole new industry for a risk we have manufactured ourselves,” Olson said….”
Donate to the ADCS http://www.adcs-adsc.ca/DonateADCS.html .
Our home government of Canada is using our own Canadian tax revenues to fight us in court, while at the same time, the IRS Taxpayer Advocate admits of the flaws of FATCA. Insupportable.
I want to share this. “I hate to be a kicker, I always long for peace, but the wheel that does the squeaking, is the one that gets the grease. Josh Billings, circa 1870. Brockers, we can’t give up! We gotta be the squeaky wheel!
Two things:
1. Sorry for my rather hot-headed outburst on here about 2 weeks or so ago!
2. There appear to be some updates over the last 48 hours or so on the tracking page for the lawsuit:
Can anyone explain in layman’s terms what has happened this week? Is it what it appears that the Minister of National Revenue has been added as a defendant or is there more than that going on?
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
ADCS legal action will be feared by the government where it will become increasingly obvious that oaths of offices have not been observed in regards to Charter Rights.
Right now the people are fearful. Only through support and contribution to ADCS legal action will the people regain their liberty from fear, and respect and defence for their rights from government officials. Contribute today.
One option would be to change from a Model 1 Agreement to a Model 2 Agreement, especially _IF_ USA won’t reciprocate anyway. A Model 1 means all financial institutions are required to send the data to the government to forward to IRS and in return, USA sends reciprocal data to that country’s government. A Model 2 says that financial institutions MAY participate in FATCA and send their data to the government to be forwarded to IRS, and in return, the country’s government gets nothing, but the banks comply with local secrecy laws by not sending the data directly to IRS.
Switzerland and Japan are among the Model 2 countries, and in Switzerland, I found precious few options when building the list at http://non-fatca-banks.com/ch.html
but the options are there. Canada has a much bigger US-person population to support a non-FATCA bank, even if the bank could not do business in US dollars. Without the cost of complying with FATCA, the bank would offer better rates and attract deposits from more Canadians.
It looks like an amended statement of claim was today filed and served on the defendants:
Is there any way to get a copy of this amended statement of claim?
Thank you IBS for helping me realise I am not the only person to have had a terrifying and completely uncharacteristic breakdown following the OMG moment. And thank you for all the advice I gained while lurking that helped me through the renunciation process. My only regret is that I didn’t know about relinquishment when I became a UK citizen some years ago! I haven’t lived or worked in the US since the 1970s, am not wealthy, only owed a few dollars US tax but spent about $15,000 for professional help – a big chunk of my retirement savings which, of course, was ALL earned in the UK. The bitterness will never leave me.
Despite having my CLN, in some ways I have become even more obsessed now with the unfairness and pain inflicted by CBT and FATCA. I have today (ashamed to say it has taken this long) contributed what I can to ADCS and hope to do more in the future. You must succeed!
Thank you so very much, Old English, for your important contribution and for your future ones. You’re absolutely correct that this MUST succeed.
The bitterness of it all will never leave me either.
My antivirus software, Bitdefender, doesn’t like that taxanalysts.com website. It claims that it just stopped a phishing attempt from it.
We were told the Arvay-Gruber team would be making a “stronger claim” and this appears to be it — something to do with an affadavit from a Mr. Boland. All of this is an education for me in legal procedure so if someone deems it prudent to provide more information it would be great; otherwise I will simply take this as being a good thing and on we go! Obviously watching Perry Mason episodes wasn’t exactly useful to me, even if I could remember them in any detail.
Ask and ye shall receive. John Richardson has an Oct. 9th update on the litigation here:
To: All Brockers
Re: Amended Statement of Claim
Stephen Kish is on the road all day. He has asked me to post a comment regarding the updated / amended claim of the plaintiffs.
For those of you interested in reading the amended Statement of Claim, it has now been posted by John Richardson at http://adcsovereignty.wordpress.com/2014/10/09/from-the-desk-of-john-richardson-co-chair-adcs-adsc-ca-amendments-to-statement-of-claim/.
So, announcements are not lost in the sites of IsaacBrockSociety and MapleSandbox where so many topics are discussed, http://adcsovereignty.wordpress.com/ (Alliance for the Defence of Canadian Sovereignty “From The Desk” of the ADCS-ADSC Board of Directors) is the dedicated site for all future announcements regarding the Canadian litigation.
You’re pretty darn good at that Perry Mason stuff and quick on the draw!
So, announcements are not lost in the sites of IsaacBrockSociety and MapleSandbox where so many topics are discussed, http://adcsovereignty.wordpress.com/ (Alliance for the Defence of Canadian Sovereignty “From The Desk” of the ADCS-ADSC Board of Directors) is the dedicated site for all future announcements regarding the Canadian litigation.
@EmBee and @JohnRichardson
Thanks for posting the amended Statement of Claim. It is great to have a “fallback position” so that we can show a violation of the Income Tax Act of Canada and/or the Canada-U.S. Tax Treaty barring us showing a violation of the Charter.
However, to my non-legal mind, success regarding the Charter claim seems like a far bigger win–because the Charter is not nearly so easily changed by the Canadian government of the day just because they have a majority government.
Just a suggestion: it would be good to have all comments re this amended Statement of Claim to be kept together at http://adcsovereignty.wordpress.com/2014/10/09/from-the-desk-of-john-richardson-co-chair-adcs-adsc-ca-amendments-to-statement-of-claim/.
Not much in French on isaacbrocksociety.ca so let me share an email from Frédéric Lefebvre, the French overseas guy http://www.frederic-lefebvre.org/ which says:
Bonjour —
En raison de l’application de la loi américaine de collecte des informations bancaires, appelée FATCA, près de 50 000 comptes bancaires de Français vivant aux Etats-Unis sont menacés de fermeture immédiate.
Beaucoup d’entre vous sont déjà concernés. Ils m’ont saisi de leur situation.
J’ai donc une nouvelle fois interpellé le gouvernement à l’Assemblée Nationale sur le choix que font nombre de banques françaises de fermer, sans avertissement, ni recours, les comptes bancaires ouverts en France de nos compatriotes installés aux États-Unis. Ceci face au surcoût administratif provoqué par FATCA.
Grâce à vous, j’ai pu m’appuyer, dans mon discours, sur vos nombreux témoignages qui montrent votre désarroi face à cette situation difficile.
Si votre banque vous a notifié la fermeture de votre compte, sachez que chaque Français, où qu’il réside, a le droit à un compte bancaire en France. C’est la loi.
Cela vaut pour tout Français des Etats-Unis qui se retrouve dans cette situation. Il y a donc une solution.
Agissons ensemble.
Pour ce faire, je vous invite à écrire à l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel par mon intermédiaire en renvoyant votre lettre (dont vous trouverez un modèle sur mon site en cliquant ci-dessous) signée et scannée, à flefebvre@assemblee-nationale.fr.
D’ici fin octobre, c’est armé de toutes vos lettres de réclamation que j’irai rencontrer le Président de l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel demander que l’on vous indique dans quel établissement vous pourrez ouvrir à nouveau un compte.
C’est parce que nous agirons ensemble que chacun pourra trouver une solution.
Frédéric Lefebvre
Ancien Ministre
Député des Français d’Amérique du Nord
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Sure, USA can impose a tax on persons deemed by USA laws to be USA citizens, as long as Congress doesn’t mind it when Canada shuts off passage through the Saint Lawrence Seaway to USA-registered vessels, and stops allowing USA-based airlines to fly in Canadian airspace.
Tom Alciere,
Not likely on the Conservative Harper majority government watch, authors of this year’s Omnibus Bill C-31 for the Budget, legislating that the agreed to and signed behind closed doors IGA with the US for FATCA would override Canadian laws, including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms! Canadian Conservative MPs have still not communicated the fact to their constituents. We are now defined as “US citizens who happen to reside in Canada” instead of the Canadians that most of us are, second class to any other Canadians, no matter their or their parents’ / grandparents’ national origin. One Conservative MP even said that “Congress has spoken”.
I have saved up a substantial donation. I’ll pass the hat around at this years family thanksgiving weekend and see what we get. My father in law, a US citizen for over 77 years has just became a Canadian citizen. His ceremony was 1 month ago and he has his citizenship. He will now proceed to dump his useless US citizenship slavery within 2 weeks. He is renouncing. You did very well Obama and the rest of your criminals in the current US government. I hope the people of the USA wake up and oust your government before the USA is destroyed because of your laws and policies!
Kudos to everyone working so very hard for us Canadians. YOU are the ones “protecting” us and enforcing our human rights and charter rights as true Canadians. Gwen and Ginny, you are two more of Canada’s most courageous citizens for going to bat for Canada, the country and the people you love. I am never going to stop donating until true justice and equality for all Canadians triumphs over this US insanity. Again, THANK YOU ALL!
@Tom Alciere, quoting Frédéric Lefebvre:
Is that really true? Are French banks not allowed by French law to deny services to French citizens, wherever they live? That is fantastic if so, and stands in stark contrast to the US, which actually tries to make it difficult for US citizens to open accounts either in the US or abroad.
From my earliest years, I was told that I had the benefits of US citizenship. Living in Africa with a US passport, I was aware that I had a ‘get out of jail free card’, so I was unequivocally pro-American. Kids can be cruel, and I wasn’t ‘cool’, so I got teased for being a ‘yank’; even though I had no trace of an American accent. I had left the USA before I had learnt to speak.
I started becoming politically aware during the Reagan era. Frankly I was a little confused. Reagan came from Hollywood which, in my developing mind, suggested that American politics was the equivalent, in modern terms, of reality television. This opinion was reinforced by two 1980s cultural inputs.
First was the movie ‘Back to the Future’, when Michael J. Fox was trying to convince Christopher Lloyd that he had indeed come from the future. Lloyd: “So who’s president in 1985?” Fox: “Ronald Reagan”. Lloyd: “What, the actor?” Second was Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s 1984 track “Two Tribes”, which depicted Reagan as a warmonger through the uncanny reproduction of his unmistakable voice.
American politics today is, frankly, irrelevant. I shouldn’t have to choose between gun-toting evangelism or pre-spending my children’s income. I am, however, interested in individuals, and politics ultimately has to serve up an individual: a president.
Growing up in South Africa, I’ve been strongly influenced by Nelson Mandela. Mandela spent 27 years in prison. For most activists, prison is downtime for their cause; but not for Mandela. He used that time to study the culture of his Afrikaner jailers. Not to find their weaknesses, rather to find their strengths. He reasoned that to unite his divided country he’d have to champion that which the Afrikaners held dear; to the extent that it wasn’t inconsistent with his own cause.
When FATCA was enacted in 2010, I had never heard of a ‘Founding Father’, I’d never cited the pledge of allegiance, and I thought that a ‘Star Spangled Banner’ was a chocolate bar. My investigations into FATCA occasionally led me to the US constitution, which piqued my interest in American history.
Among every extant US president, I’d choose to spend an evening with Barak Obama; were I ever granted the honour. I don’t agree with his economics, but I respect his commitment to that which he holds dear. Regarding extinct presidents: I have revisited my opinion of Reagan.
Many here are in taxation purgatory. Should I comply, or should I hide?
“Well perhaps there is a simple answer. Not an easy answer, but simple”. It’s an answer that Ginny and Gwen have embraced. They have told the United States: “There is a price we will not pay. There is a point beyond which they must not advance.”
More of us should do the same.
Reagan was inspirational – always liked the particular speech in your comment. I once visited the Reagen Library in California. It would be fascinating to hear his perspective on what the American Government has become.
I made a similar Reagen speech the basis of one of my earlier posts: